Here you’ll find an overview of all important people in our club.
Bart Heuvel
Carola Koopmans
Edine Hoogstraten
Jasmine Rebel (Interim)
Coen Mulder
Trainers are easily recognizable at Archery Club Hilversum. In their light blue shirts with their names on the sleeves, the trainers stand out quickly. If a trainer is not wearing their light blue trainer shirt, it means they are ‘off duty’ and want to shoot a few arrows themselves.
As you can see below, there are plenty of trainers in their light blue shirts whom you can approach for help and tips.
Bart Heuvel
Frans Hoogstraten
Harold Dakkus
Henri Delville
Herman Tax
Inge Kuiperi
Joris Pottjegort
Laura Pauel-Gillissen
Marcel van Oostrum
Marco Klomp
Marg Tax
Niels Willemsen
Petra Hollander
Piet Lankhuijzen
Raymond Woltman
Within our club, there is a confidentiality advisor to ensure a safe environment is maintained.
This involves not only ensuring safety during activities but also creating an environment where all members feel comfortable and preventing undesirable situations such as bullying, abuse of power, intimidation, aggression, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse. The role of the confidentiality advisor is to assist the board in promoting a safe sports environment and to serve as the first point of contact for all club members in case of unwanted incidents.
If a situation arises where someone feels uncomfortable and wants to talk about it, they can get in touch via phone, email, or directly at the club. The confidentiality advisor will listen and discuss with the individual, all the possible ways to proceed. Sometimes, just sharing the experience can be a relief, but other steps may also need to be considered. The confidentiality advisor can assist with a referral if necessary.
Since the board needs to be aware of what is happening within the association, a report of the conversation will be prepared for the board. If necessary, this report can be made without names, unless the safety of multiple people is at risk. In the latter case, names will need to be included in the report.
Inge Kuiperi
If you do not wish to approach someone within the club, you can speak directly with a confidential advisor from the NOCNSF. You can seek help for free; simply call the NOCNSF reporting point at: 0900-2025590.
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